Gender Pay Gap Report

Beko plc’s Gender Pay Gap Report analyzed the salaries and bonuses of male and female colleagues in the year at the snapshot date of 5th April 2023.

The Company has a diverse multinational workforce in sales, marketing, operations, logistics, HR, finance, field service and R&D with 313 UK staff on the date of reporting.


Previous GAP

Gender Pay Gap based on hourly pay at Snapshot date 5th April 2023
* Hourly pay rates including base pay and allowances based on Annual / 365.25 days x 7 days / contractual hours

Mean Gender Pay Gap In Hourly Pay 7.9% 9.2%
Median Gender Pay Gap In Hourly Pay 10.7% 18.9%

Bonus Pay Gap

Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap 13.9% 8.0%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap 0% 0%

Proportion of Men & Women In Receipt Of Bonus

Proportion Of Men Receiving Bonus 93.4% 100.0%
Proportion Of Women Receiving Bonus 99.0% 100.0%

Pay Quartile Ranges 2023
Proportion of Males & Females in each Pay Quartile

Male / Female Male / Female
Upper Quartile 67.9% / 32.1% 67.5% / 32.5%
Upper Middle Quartile 57.7% / 42.3% 55.8% / 44.2%
Lower Middle Quartile 84.6% / 15.4% 77.9% / 22.1%
Lower Quartile 60.8% / 39.2% 71.4% / 28.6%

Teresa Arbuckle, Managing Director of Beko Plc commented:

“At Beko we believe strongly in a work environment that nurtures and rewards talent regardless of gender, ethnicity, belief, orientation, or background.

Ensuring equality is paramount and within the Beko business women undertake a wide range of leaderships roles at all levels alongside male counterparts, including at Board level where we have 33% female representation with a female Managing Director and female Finance Director.

The workforce split last year was 33% female/67% male with both 29% of female and 29% of male staff holding positions that either manage teams or functions/external partner relationships.

Ensuring diversity in our teams helps greatly in our delivery of strong brands and great products and services for our consumers. In the latest report we have continued to see reductions in both average and median pay gaps and near parity in the numbers of male and female staff receiving bonus. Our aim remains to achieve a level playing field on all metrics, with a target over time of reducing the gaps to as near zero as possible. ”

Teresa Arbuckle
Managing Director
Beko plc

Previous Statements: 2022 |2021 | 2020 | 2019