Gender Pay Gap Report

Beko plc’s Gender Pay Gap Report analysed the salaries and bonuses of male and female colleagues in the year to 4th April 2021.

The Company has a diverse multinational workforce, spanning sales, marketing, operations, logistics, HR, finance, field service operations, and R&D with 317 UK staff.

Our mean (average) pay gap has reduced from the previous year, and the proportion of both male and female staff bonused in the year increased. Our objective remains to reduce any gaps to as near zero as possible.


Previous GAP

Gender Pay Gap based on hourly pay at Snapshot date 5th April 2021
* Hourly pay rates including base pay and allowances based on Annual / 365.25 days x 7 days / contractual hours

Mean Gender Pay Gap In Hourly Pay +7.5% +10.1%
Median Gender Pay Gap In Hourly Pay +12.1% +2.6%

Bonus Pay Gap

Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap +17.9% +8.8%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap 0% 0%

Proportion of Men & Women In Receipt Of Bonus

Proportion Of Men Receiving Bonus 92.9% 81.9%
Proportion Of Women Receiving Bonus 98.0% 91.6%

Pay Quartile Ranges 2021
Proportion of Males & Females in each Pay Quartile

Male / Female Male / Female
Upper Quartile 69.2% / 30.8% 68.4% / 31.6%
Upper Middle Quartile 55.1% / 44.9% 51.9% / 48.1%
Lower Middle Quartile 75.6% / 24.4% 79.7% / 20.3%
Lower Quartile 70.9% / 29.1% 65.0% / 35.0%

Teresa Arbuckle, Managing Director of Beko Plc commented:

“As Managing Director, I believe strongly in providing a work environment that nurtures and rewards talent regardless of gender, ethnicity, belief, orientation, or background. The importance of gender equality is therefore at the forefront of our minds.”

“As a result of Beko’s commitment to equality, women continue to demonstrate success in a wide range of leaderships roles alongside male counterparts, as we aim to inspire colleagues irrespective of gender to take on higher positions and responsibility. Our Board includes a female Managing Director, female Finance Director, and an international Director responsible for Global Revenue Growth Management. In addition, we have a significant number of women in senior leadership roles across the Company, with 2 out of 6 Board positions held by women, and 43% of women in middle management positions - both higher than global company averages.”

“We encourage a diverse team at Beko plc to help make our brands stronger and develop great products and services for our consumers as a result.”

“In the latest report we continue to see reductions in both median pay gaps and bonus differentials for men and women, and an increase in both male and female staff receiving bonus. Our aim remains to achieve a level playing field on all metrics, with a target over time of reducing the gaps to as near zero as possible.”

“We have an established Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee at Beko plc, and our dedication to gender equality is echoed by our parent Company Arçelik, a signatory to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and UN Women’s Empowerment Principles. We continue to review constructive measures to address any imbalances and support structured development plans to ensure both sexes are rewarded equally and appropriately.”

Teresa Arbuckle
Managing Director
Beko plc

Previous Statements: 2020 | 2019