Energy Focus

We are investing in renewable energy as well as improving the energy efficiency across the product lifecycle, from implementing energy efficiency projects in production processes to reducing the energy consumption of the products that we sell.

First solar-powered fridge developed for the WHO to store medicines in African villages with no electricity.

Arçelik developed the first solar powered fridge and supplied it to the World Health Organisation to store medicines in African villages where they don’t have electricity. Production of these products has continued and they are now supplied as part of a project run on behalf of the South African Government for villages that are off grid.

Energy reduction in operations

Arcelik tracks and improves the operational energy efficiency in its production facilities by identifying areas that require upgrades through effective audit mechanisms. In 2023, the company has implemented a total of 373 energy saving projects in the manufacturing plants and saved approximately 95,680 GJ of energy. This increase in efficiency resulted in a reduction of 6,983 tonnes of CO₂e emissions. At the same time, we have also invested in energy reduction projects, such as efficient LED lighting systems and solar panels in our UK head office.