Employee Responsibility
We believe the strong values, loyalty and effort from our employees at Beko plc allows us to succeed as an organisation and they are the reason we care about our responsibility for everyone who works with us.
Beko plc is committed to protecting anyone from any discrimination of any kind, as well as preventing all acts of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and throughout our supply chains.

Code of Conduct
At Beko plc we are committed to working in an atmosphere of trust, honesty, respect, equality and transparency at the core of all our business activities, based on the founding principles of our parent company Arçelik.
As stated by the founder of Koç Group Vehbi Koç: “Honesty, integrity, and superior business ethics are the foundations of our business conduct. We conduct our business based on good intentions, mutual benefit, and fair treatment in all our relationships.
We do not discriminate against any current or prospective employee for any protected characteristic, including disability, in line with our statutory duty under section 20 of the Equality Act 2010. Where individuals or identified groups are specifically affected, we consult appropriately with employees on matters where it is likely to impact their employment, environment and/or terms and conditions.
Modern Slavery
We continue to be committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. Our Anti-Slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We aim to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
Gender Pay Gap
We are committed equally to all our male and female staff and are proud of the positive steps we’re taking to increase gender equality in the business. In addition to our female Managing Director and Finance Director, there are a significant number of women working in senior leadership roles across the company, and we actively support equal opportunity for all to gain promotion.